If you haven’t been to CoCoMAD Festival, then we highly recommend that you check it out for Summer 2024!

Each year it seems to get bigger and better, and we have loved being part of it for the past 2 years, offering a space away from the hustle and bustle to chill out.

Yoga Borne owner Karine could be found in the Orchard, or CoCo Lounge as it is renamed for the event, offering s selection of 30 minute gentle movement and mindfulness practices.

Yoga Borne offered their time free of charge, also made a donation to the park as part of the event.

Cotteridge Park holds a very special place in our heart. Just a short walk from the studio, we have offered 2 Summers of Yoga in the Park here, and will also be exploring the space with our YB Walking Group - “Autumn Ambles.”

Are you a charity, not-for-profit festival or similar that would like to speak to us about offering Holistic Yoga & Wellbeing at your event?

Just click the link below to drop us an email - we would love to hear from you!